Dominate Google Coaching Program

Learn How to Build Profitable Google Ads & SEO Campaigns
For Just $49 Per Month!

Agencies will charge you $1000s of dollars per month to run your Google Ads or do your SEO.

The problem is that many business owners can’t afford to pay this, especially if they are just starting out and they don’t even know if they will get any return.

To top it off, many have been burned by marketing agencies who have promised the world and failed to deliver, and now they are hesitant to pay even more money.

Well, I have the solution.

I will coach you on how to build and run a profitable Google marketing campaign yourself so that you don’t need an agency.

~ Mateja Matic
Your coach, the founder of Dominate Marketing

The Dominate Google Ads & SEO Coaching Program

After speaking with many entrepreneurs and business owners who were struggling to run their own marketing but could not afford to pay my agency to do it for them… 

I decided to put together this low priced coaching program to teach people like them all the things I learnt over the last 10 years running SEO & Google Ads campaigns for over 50 different businesses in a wide range of niches including:

  • Auto repair shops
  • Car rentals
  • Law firms
  • Ecom stores
  • Plumbers
  • Builders
  • Motels
  • Skincare
  • HVAC
  • Online English schools
  • Solar installers
  • Resorts
  • Car parts suppliers
  • Obituary websites
  • Pre-purchase car inspections
  • And many more

In this program I will teach you everything you need to know to get your website to rank, run a profitable Google Ads campaign, and make money for your business through Google.

Here's What You Get:

2X Weekly 1 Hr Coaching Calls

2X weekly group coaching calls on Zoom where I, Mateja Matic – Founder of Dominate Marketing, will personally be on the call for an hour answering any questions you have and sharing the latest information about what I am currently doing for myself and my clients to get them the best results.

Calls will be recorded and uploaded so if you miss a call you will be able to go back and watch them. You will also get access to calls that took place before you joined.

Skool Community

A Skool community where we discuss everything relating to SEO, Google Ads, marketing, copywriting, landing pages, Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) and anything relating to getting your funnel to work.

I personally will be in the group daily answering your questions.

5 Part Course

A 5 part course made of SOP videos I specifically made for hiring and training my team, as well as some of my other videos, organized in order to go from A-Z so you know what to do from beginning to end.

The course covers:


Google Ads


Google Tracking

Marketing Resources

You could literally not know anything about SEO or Google Ads and you would be able to run a successful campaign if you follow these videos.

This will also be continually added to as more information comes out and I have more things to teach you.

All For Just $49 Per Month!

Why You Should Listen to Me

There are many “gurus” and “coaches” online selling programs, many of which have no idea what they are talking about.

Unlike many of the people selling courses on “how to make money” so that they can make some money, or “how to do SEO” so that they actually learn how while recording the course, I actually do what I teach here as my primary source of income.

I run a marketing agency called Dominate Marketing, where we build Google funnels that generate at least $100K-300K per year in profit GUARANTEED.

Here are just some of the results we have got for our clients:

Automotive blog getting 28,000 visitors per month in less than a year!

14X Return on Ad Spend (ROAS) from Google Ads

Law Firm Making $180,000+ From Google Ads

Auto Electrician Getting 130 Leads Per Month With Only $400 In Adspend!

3X Organic Traffic Within 6 Months!

Car Accident Assessor Went From 0 to 80 Leads Per Month With Only $1000 Ad Spend

And Here's What Our Clients Have to Say

5 reviews on
Sophie Bloy
Sophie Bloy
We started working with Mateja mid 2022 and were getting around 20 leads per month through our Google ads and website in the months prior. Mateja optimized our entire website and Google Ads campaign, which resulted in an increase to over 90 leads per month without increasing our ad budget. With the increased performance we were confident to spend more money on ads and explore running ads in new practice areas which allows us to bring in even more lucrative cases for our business. We highly recommend Mateja. He is reliable, full of great ideas, and gets the results.
Kevin Magee
Kevin Magee
Outstanding, Mateja revived our non functioning website back to page 1 of google. I had approached 3 other companies but Mateja stepped up and owned it and still goes beyond our expectations. We get so many comments from customers and the leads keep growing every month. Kev@AAwreckers (1998) Ltd.
Murray Edwards
Murray Edwards
We started working with Mateja over 3 years ago when our website dropped from page 1 of Google due to changes made by a web designer, and we couldn't get it back. Mateja managed to not only recover our website and get the rankings back, but has since increased our traffic to 4X more than before, going from around 500 users per month to around 2000 users per month, resulting in around 400 leads per month as of the last two months. _ Thanks a lot!
David Sweas
David Sweas
We were looking to expand our service shop and our offering, going from two lifts to four in our new facility, and we hired Mateja to build a website and run our online marketing. Our previous marketing was focused on our manufacturing operation that sells overseas, we hadn’t invested much in our local service offering at that time. Over the 12 months after engaging Mateja, we had an increase of cars in the shop to about double our previous volume, and a noteworthy change in the mix across brands that we service. Mateja has been helpful as a one-stop shop helping us to market across several different digital channels, and his proactive ideas and content generation have helped us to keep up with shifts in the market.
Kiro Mladenovik
Kiro Mladenovik
Hiring Mateja’s services was the best investment I made. He improved website functionality, increased phone calls, traffic and client visits. Very happy with his services. Highly recommended

If The Proof Wasn't Enough, I'll Give You a 30 Day Money Back Guarantee

If you join my program and decide that your use of the $49 was better spent on lunch, we will refund your money no questions asked.

I have put a lot of thought into this program to make is accessible for anyone and offer immense value. I know what I teach here works because I use it every day to get results for our clients.

If for some reason you feel that you did not get the value out of this, we will immediately refund your money within the first 30 days. You will not have to prove you did any minimum amount of work or anything like that, simply tell us you want a refund and we will issue it.

After that it’s a month to month membership that you can cancel at any time, there is no minimum time you have to stay inside.

Why Is This So Cheap?

Simply because I can. I myself have spent literally tens of thousands of dollars on coaching programs that did not deliver much results.

I know how disappointing it is.

To this day the best program I ever bought was a $49 one that I am still a member of.

That inspired me to do exactly the same thing for others:

Make a program that is so cheap and overdelivers so much that people won’t believe it and won’t want to leave.

I would rather you spend $49 and be amazed than spend $4900 and be disappointed (like I was).

Frequently Asked Questions

There are no mandatory additional costs in order to use what we teach.

However, there are costs you should expect to pay when running a marketing campaign, for example:

  • The Google Ads budget (if you are running Google Ads)
  • An SEO tool such as Semrush (not mandatory but highly recommended – $129 per month)

These two are the most likely things the majority of people will need to pay for.

Get Access Now!

Don’t pay thousands of dollars to some agency to do what you can do yourself.

And certainly don’t pay thousands for some course to teach you less than what I will teach you here for less than a dinner at a nice restaurant (with zero risk if you don’t like it).

To sign up, all you need to do is click the red “sign up now” button below. This will take you where you will be able to purchase access and make a Skool account. When you get there just hit the yellow join button and you’ll be asked to make an account:

So just hit this button to go to Skool and get access now:


If you want my help with growing your business, go here: